
Monday, February 22, 2016



Pattengill's Read-a-thon encourages all students to read and to collect money.  Reading and raising money is a win-win for parents and students. The read-a-thon is an annual event held in March; it is PTO's largest fundraiser: raising money for field trips, mini grants and teacher supplies.  One class at each grade level has a chance to win a special treat if they earn the most hours within the grade level.

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016: Read-a-thon begins.
Wednesday, Mar. 9, 2016: Last Day to read  read-a-thon.
Friday, Mar. 11, 2016: Last Day to in raffle tickets and final raffle held
Monday, Mar. 21, 2016: Sponsor Money is due.

Pattengill Elementary
  8 hours of reading will earn a Bronze Medal
10 hours of reading will earn a Silver Medal
12 hours of reading will earn a Gold Medal

Bryant Elementary
 3 hours of reading will earn a Bronze Medal
 5 hours of reading will earn a Silver Medal
 7 hours of reading will earn a Gold Medal

On several nights and weekends I assign reading as homework. Please check the planner.

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