
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Best or Worst Colony Rubric

Chapter 7 Best Colony Rubric
Name _______________________________ 
Best colony or Worst Colony
Total __________/ 20 points
Part I

If you were alive during this period in history, in which colony would you have chosen to live? Why?  Give 3 reasons.

Write a letter to one of your friends in Great Britain persuading him or her to migrate to a colony of your choice. The time frame is the 17th century.

      Date  (1) ___________
      Greetings (1) ___________
     Introduction stating:
o   Colony (1) _____
o   Colonial region (New England, Middle, and Southern) (1)  _____
o   Location (North, South, East or West, Atlantic ocean, near etc.) (1) ____
      State 3 reasons why this colony is the best colony (3) ______
     One of your reasons must contrast one of the opposing colonies (3) _______
o   New England
o   Middle
o   Southern
     Uses voice to persuade the reader of the letter (3) _________
      Closing Paragraph, restates main ideas, friendly chatter (3) ________
      Salutation (1) _______
     Less than 3 misspelled words (1) _______
      Less than 3 grammatical errors (1) _______

If you were alive during this period in history, in which colony would you have refused to live? Why?

Write a letter to one of your friends in Great Britain persuading him or her to never visit or do business with this colony.

  • State 3 reasons why this colony is the worst colony (3)
  • Use of economic terms as a reason: natural resource, human resource, good, product, manufacturing, trade off, opportunity cost, etc. (3)

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