
Friday, January 22, 2016

Science Fair 2016

This layout is the standard for scientific projects

Science Fair 2016

Science fair is required in A7. It is both a school and home project, primarily completed at home. In order to avoid procrastination, students are expected to complete portions of the project prior to receiving a science board. Students will have an immediate consequence if a portion is not completed in a timely manner. This process has worked in my classroom for over 15 years. 

Families must monitor projects especially in situations pertaining partners visiting the home of other partners. Families must ensure that the work is being completed by all parties with  equal effort. Partners must notify the teacher early if a partner is not fully engaged as a participant. The project is graded and each individual will receive the same grade contingent upon partners reporting unequal parts. 
Required Science Fair Project 2016 (Topic Sheet)

Monday, Jan. 25, 2016: Topic sheet is due.
Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016: Final submission of title of project and a partner (optional)
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016: List of materials is due.
Friday, Feb. 5, 2016: Hypothesis or Purpose are due.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2016:Procedure is due. (Subtopics for research projects)
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016: References, research and/ or plan of what each                                                                      partner completed are due.
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016: Boards will be given on this day.
Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016: Final project is due with conclusion and/ or                                                                    results as well as pictures or diagrams.  (On the board)
Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016: Science Fair, @6:00 PM
Friday, Feb. 26, 2016:All board are sent home.

Materials are the items used or to be used in the project.
Hypothesis is the prediction of what the scientist thinks will happen or occur in the experiment.  Usually a hypothesis is supported with a reason.
Purpose is the rationale supporting the research or demonstration or model.
Procedure is a list of numerical steps written in complete sentences.
References are any books, websites, or collaborators used in the experiment.
Research is any information researched that explains the project.
Conclusion is the written final results after the experiment is completed in paragraph format. It answers the hypothesis.
Results are the findings in the demonstration projects or what was learned.
Pictures are any photographs of the models or steps during the experiment.

Diagrams are picture models with labeled parts.

1. Students are allowed to have a partner (s) from A-7 class, but partners are not required.
2. Projects are mostly home projects with some time for in- class work.
3. Each part must be legibly hand-printed or typed. Computers are available during lunchtime on Mondays and Wednesdays.
4. The PTO will donate the board. The school may or may not contribute the construction paper, if the desired colors are available.
5. Avoid gluing assignments on the board until I have approved it.
6. Effort and the neatness of the board are graded. Remember, make your audience want to read it just by looking at your board.

Sample projects
Pay close attention to the layout

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