
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Chapter 8 Study Guide

Name ________________________ Date ________________
History Alive, America’s Past, Chapter 8 Study Guide and Outline

Study Guide
  • Identify and compare what was life like prior to Slavery and after slavery
  • Explain the process of becoming a Slave
  • Triangular Trade – identify and describe each part of the triangle
·      West Coast of Africa
o   Holding Cells (The point of no Return)
·      Atlantic ocean (Middle Passage)
·      Colonies/ Eastern part of North America
·      (Some trade involved the Caribbean Islands in the Triangle).
o   Auction Block
o   ‘Breaking in” Process
o   Plantation Rules
Explain how Slaves (Enslaved people) coped while being slaves
Identify the 4 Dilemmas of Slaves
(Use the descriptions in a Journal entry)
Resist and fight back … Die
Fake sickness
Run away
Conform to being a slave

Technology supplement
Triangular Trade Routes

Journal entry
Historical (setting) Fiction (characters, conflict, & plot)
Main character, slave is you
1700s time period
Place West Africa, Middle Passage or Middle or Southern Colony
Create a realistic slave problem and Solve it.


Well developed, realistic dilemma 
Accurate setting
Descriptive words 
•Appropriate Mood for an enslaved person
Application of Historical period involving slaves
Usage of African Names and Old English names
4-5 paragraphs
Edited and revise
Less than 3 misspelled words

Journal Entry Components

       Realistic Date (16 or 17th century, American Slavery lasted for over 400 years 18th and 19th centuries are permissible; however, the time period is English colonial timeframe )
Recognizable closing (adjournment)
Chatty voice 

Write Slave Journal Entry (Historical Fiction)             15 points
Take home quiz   (Use book at home)                          10 points (February 3, 2016)
Equality Core Democratic Sheet                                   12 points
Justice Core Democratic Sheet                                      6 points

Total                                                                              43 points

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