
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Puma Praise by Guest blogger

Puma Praise

Guest Blogger Profile:

Molly enjoys dancing and Girls Scouts. She plays soccer and volleyball.

I can write a personal narrative with the following criteria:
  • One topic, 1 personal event (cohesive)
  • Lead builds tensions or engages the reader
  • Beginning, Middle and Ending
  • Indented and New Line paragraphs
  • Inner monologue (writer thinks aloud)
  • 2 or more Dialogue formatted with punctuation (2 or more people have a conversation)
  • Descriptive Word choice 
  • Sentence fluency, complete, varied lengths and beginnings
  • Grammatically appropriate verbs and usage of words
  • Spelling conventions
  • Ending that concludes and gives the reader something to think about after the passage
The Fearful yet Fun Adventure

As I went higher and higher, my stomach dropped. All I could think about was what was over that hill. I was shivering from head to toe. 'Oh, I can’t do this,' I was saying in my head when the roller coaster took off, but it was too late. With every click, my fear got worse.
“Hands up!” my parents yelled as the roller coaster roared like a lion. It went through 5 hills, 2 loops, and 7 tunnels. The wind was whipping so fast that I couldn’t see in front of me.
When the ride was over, it was hard for me to walk. I was so dizzy. When I looked at my father, he had two heads. The ride was so insanely fast; the ride would be over before you could say “ Supercalafragulistexpealadocious.”
As the day went on, I got more calm about the big, terrifying roller coasters that made me feel like an ant. Finally, the last ride, Zip Zoomer, came. Before it started, I looked around and saw little kids in line with their parents. Then the roller coaster started to move and all of the little kids were screaming. As their parents tried to calm them down on the other hand my ears are blowing off because of their really really loud screaming.
When the ride was over, I was so humiliated, but it was kind of fun. I went on a baby roller coaster and I thought it was fun. ‘What was wrong with me?’ I thought.
On the way to the car, I was thinking about the scary, humiliating, but fun day I had. But overall, I was so proud I had overcame my fear.

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