
Monday, November 16, 2015

Chapter 5 Social Studies Resume and Movie Trailer

Chapter 5 European Explorer Resume and Movie Trailer

Resume: Due 11/19/15
Movie trailer: 11/ 23/15
Viewing and Presentation: 11/24/15

Chapter 5, routes of Exploration to the New World
Explorers Resume (20 points)

After reading chapter 5, your group must select an explorer and create a resumè for that explorer. A resumè is an outline of someone’s current and previous work experiences. A great resume can land any job in the 21st century.

Below the criteria, is an example of an explorer. This explorer obviously cannot be used.

Know the explorer’s full name
Include a picture (Most resume do not include a picture)
Country of origin and languages spoken (The country where they were born)
Sponsoring country (Who contributed their money and ships)
Objectives/Motives (Why they explored? State any places they wanted to explore.)
Years of Experience/Time line (Years of exploration include centuries, if possible)
Route(s) (Which way did they travel? Be specific and name any oceans or continents. You must include a map.)
Achievements [Land or area explored](Where did they explore?)
Columbian Exchange/ Impact (How did each area he explored positively or negatively changed? What changed after they explored?)

Christopher Columbus             John Cabot           Juan Ponce de Leon
Herman Cortes                        Jacques Cartier     Henry Hudson
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado        Robert de La Salle                     


Jacques Cartier
December 31, 1491- September 1, 1557
1521 Carter Blvd Paris, France
Mobile phone: (033) 222- 1534
email: JCartiertheexplorer@gmail.com_____

Country of Origin: France
Sponsoring Country: France
Languages spoken: French
Objectives/ Motives: To find Northwest passageway to China for France
Years of Experience:
1534-1542, 16th century
                           1534, first voyage
                           1535, second voyage
                           1541, third voyage
                           1542 returned to France

Routes of Exploration: Traveled southwest on the Atlantic Ocean to the Cape Fear to Nova Scotia Gulf, sailed Saint Lawrence River to Montreal, Canada (present day names)

Achievements: Named the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the Saint Lawrence River, and the shores of Canada, the parts of the Country of Canada, and started the first French settlement in North America. He was instrumental in Michigan becoming a French Settlement and later a colony for France.

Columbian Exchange (Impacts): He worked well with Native American, using them as guides. Some of the Native Americans he worked with became Christians. Negative Impact, Cartier claimed land where Natives resided and historians believe that he forced the chief to take the trip to France.

Prepared by Ms. Hubbard


Movie Trailer Rubric

    Multimedia Project : European Explorer Movie Trailers

    Teacher Name: Ms. Hubbard

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Covers European explorer in-depth with details and examples in his life. Life span, Years of exploration, Routes, country, continents, motives, and impact.
Includes essential knowledge about European explorer. Some examples in his life. One of the following are missing: Life span, Years of exploration, Routes, country, continents, motives, and impact.
Includes essential information about the Explorer but there are 2 or more factual errors or are missing.
No misspellings or grammatical errors.
Two or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors.
Three or more misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
All requirements are met. Appropriate music, background, setting, characters (cast), and still shots/ video.
One of the requirements is not met. 
Two or more requirements were not completely met.
The workload is divided and shared equally by all team members. All participants have an equal say/chance to create project.
The workload is divided and shared fairly by all team members, though workloads may vary from person to person.
The workload was divided, but one or more persons in the group is/are viewed as not doing his/her fair share of the work.

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