
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March Updates 2016

March 2016 Updates

Important Dates

Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2016: Unit 5, EDM Test
Thursday, Mar. 24, 2015: Chapter 12, Declaration of Independence, cause and effect quiz
Friday, Apr. 1, 2016: Chapter 14, The Constitution, brief Quiz

Forget-Me- Not Dates

Monday, Mar. 21, 2016: Read-a-thon monies are due to the school office.
Wednesday, Mar. 23, 2016: Tappan and Scarlett Course selection sheets are due.
Friday, Mar. 25, 2016: No School, Good Friday
Monday, Mar. 28- April 1, 2016: Spirit Week
Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2016: Spring Pictures
Thursday, Mar. 31, 2016: Disability Awareness Workshops for 5th grade, 12:30- 3:30 PM
Monday, Apr. 4- Apr. 8, 2016; No School, Spring Break

Subjects at a Glance

EDM: We have just completed the lengthy Unit 5, Fractions. What a lengthy unit!  Unit 6, Investigations in Measurements and Decimal Multiplication and Division. This unit includes multiplying and dividing with decimals, measure data to create a line plot, and revisit volume.
Language Arts:
     Word Study: We are continuing our study of suffixes and their purpose.  We  also continued
      studying Latin and Greek roots. The latin and greek roots we are covered are ambi~, amphi~, gen~, foli~ , trans~, and inter.
      Reading Workshop: In the month of March, we have been studying biographies and memoirs.       Students are understanding how to analyze biographies and the themes of biography.
      Writing Workshop: Currently, we are reviewing how to write an essay as well as how to expand our ideas with the 4 E's: experience, evidence, emotion and examples. We have written a persuasive paragraph about the Declaration of Independence as well as an essay about our learning experiences at Howell Nature Center.
       Poetry Anthology: We are reviewing our literary elements and learning how to write poems with designated literary elements in each poem.
Social Studies: Due to the short length of time prior to a content assessment on the MSTEP, the state of Michigan standardized assessment, the pace of Social Studies information will be increased. Chapters 12- 15 will be given about one week in length with the exception of chapter 13. Chapter 12 , Declaration of Independence; Chapter 13, Revolutionary War; Chapter 14, Constitution; and Chapter 15, Bill of Rights. Students will also review basic economics terms, core democratic terms, and geography themes shortly after spring break. Homework must be completed, because it will be reviewed in class and used as an instructional tool. I will post separate blogs about each chapter.
Science: We are still completing the energy unit. This unit will be completed prior to spring break. After spring break and the MSTEP assessment, students will begin human body and motion.

Read-a-thon winner

We won the fifth grade title for Read-a-thon. I am so proud of the students who read relentlessly and achieved his or set goals. We will not have an official celebration until after the MSTEP assessment. We will have a decades party, 60's, 70's and 80's. The PTO will give our class $50 towards the cost of the party.

Unit 6, Investigations in Measurements and Decimal Multiplication and Division

base         exponent      Calibrate        data point      exponential notation         power of 10  
metric system           equivalent problems        line plot      

  • Multiplies and divides decimals using models and strategies to explain the answers.
  • Multiplies and divides decimals by powers of 10 and explains the decimals in placement answer.
  • Uses and explains estimates for decimal multiplication and division problems.
  • Organizes and represents data on line plots. 
  • Solves problems involving fractional data on line plots. (Mixed numbers)

Wacky Week (Spirit Week) 

3/28- 4/1)
Monday Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Favorite Color
Thursday: Sports and College
Friday: Pajama Day and Small stuffed animal

R.O.C.K. (Road to College for Kids, Career Readiness for Kids)

Next week, the Equity Committee will host parents and guest for our annual Career Readiness for Kids. Parents are invited to schedule a mutually convenient time to discuss What does college mean to you? How did you prepare for College? How college changed your life?

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