
Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 2015

Important Dates

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015: Social Studies Chapter 4 quiz
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015: Multiplication Test on 2-10 facts*
Friday, Nov. 20, 2015: EDM Chapter 3, Quiz

Dates-To- Remember

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015: Block out Bullying Assembly, U of M athletes
Wednesday, Nov. 11- 13, 2015: Camp for all fifth graders, Howell Nature Center****
Friday, Nov. 13, 2015: Return to Pattengill, 1:30PM,
              Students are released to approved adults only**
Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2015: Report Letters are sent home. **
Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015: No school, Teacher compensatory day
Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015: No school, Thanksgiving Break
Friday, Nov. 27, 2015: No school, Thanksgiving Break

Subjects at a Glance

Math: We have just begun unit 3, Fraction Concepts Addition and Subtraction. This unit includes fractions and division word problems,  interpreting remainders with fraction answers, Fractions on a number line, Fraction estimate, Renaming Fractions as Mixed Numbers, Adding and subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like denominators, Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, Solving Fractions Number Stories, and Fractions of a whole. As you can tell this unit is rather long. Due to camp and the Thanksgiving Holiday, this unit will be separated into 3 parts: Each part will have a quiz in leu of a large cumulative final assessment. Below this section are the key vocabulary terms and an important to the creators of Everyday Math. To add to this I will have study sessions during lunch recess or lunch time to assist in comprehension on Tuesdays and Fridays beginning after camp. 
Writing: Students are completing their second personal narratives as well as learning how to give compliments and offer specific advice to peers on their writings. Personal narratives are expected to have the following components.

  • One topic on 1 personal event (cohesive)
  • Lead that builds tensions or engages the reader
  • Beginning, Middle and Ending
  • Indented and New Line paragraphs
  • Inner monologue (writer thinks aloud)
  • 2 or more Dialogue formatted with punctuation (2 or more people have a conversation)
  • Descriptive Word choice 
  • Sentence fluency, complete, varied lengths and beginnings
  • Grammatically appropriate verbs and usage of words
  • Spelling conventions
  • Ending that concludes and gives the reader something to think about after the passage

Reading: In my reading class, students have learned fiction elements of a story: characters, setting, conflict, plot, exposition of the story, theme. Also, we have studied intensely how to infer and draw conclusions. Students are being benchmarked individually to assess their progress. During the latter part of November, all reading classes will learn about text structures of nonfiction literature.
Poetry: Student are reviewing and learning how to identify and use figurative language: simile,
hyperbole, personification and metaphor. Each will be taught through poetry and expected to be used in other subject areas. By January, students will be expected to begin writing poems using the various literary elements.
Social Studies: We have just concluded Chapter 4, The Age of European Exploration. Students were expected to learn the navigation advancements, political reasons, motives and impact of European exploration. Student were introduced to the Columbian Exchange in both the New and Old World. Chapter 5, Routes of Exploration to the New World. A study guide will be given to students after camp; however, it will be posted to the blog new week.
Study tools for Social Studies
More Chapter 5 resources
Science: We are continuing to study Energy and how energy transfers through energy boats and heat transfers.

Unit 3, Fractions Concepts, Addition and Subtraction

EDM site links EDM resources
numerator              denominator                       fraction                              parts versus whole    
 mixed number      unlike denominator            like denominator               equivalent fractions
remainder               quotient                             fraction of a whole

Camp Preparation

Prepare for the weather of Howell as opposed to Ann Arbor or other nearby cities. Site another blog entry on items to bring. Don't forget to pack a sack lunch for Wednesday, this includes free and reduced lunch students. Parents, there will be no refunds after next week. If your child becomes ill while at camp, you must make arrangements to have him picked within a few hours. Upon returning on Friday, students will be released early to parents/ guardians and adults who have written permission given to the office in the form of  note. Please any notes in early.

Supplies Needed

We need the following supplies in order to have an environment conducive to learning:
2 long brooms and 2 dust pans          hand pencil sharpeners         an electronic pencil sharpener
sharpies                                Kleenex        Clorox wipes                 30  highlighters

Expecting and Giving the Best
Ms. Hubbard

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