
Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2015

Important Dates

Wednesday, Mar. 11, 2015: Unit 7 test, Line Graphs, Exponents and Negative Numbers
Thursday, Mar. 12, 2015: Chapter 12, Declaration of Independence Test

Forget Me not Dates

Friday, Feb. 27, 2015- Mar. 10, 2015: Read-a-thon, Set Goals
Wednesday, Mar. 4, 2015: Parent Orientation, Tappan Middle School, 6-7 PM
Monday, Mar. 9, 2015: No School, Teacher Report Writing Day, READ, READ
Monday, Mar. 16, 2015: Read-a-thon money is due.
Wednesday, Mar. 18, 2015: Vocal Music Field trip to Hill Auditorium, 9:30- 11:45
Friday, Apr. 3, 2015: Spring break begins, No school
Monday, Apr. 13, 2015, Spring break ends, School resumes
Wednesday, May 13, 2015: Tappan Visit for sixth graders, 9-11 PM

Subjects at a Glance

Math: Unit 7 is Exponents and Negative Numbers. This unit encompasses reviewing how numbers are written in 5 ways as well as adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. Below this section are the report letter outcomes. 
After observing data from third, fourth and fifth grade report letter outcomes, our building will be working on increasing students' ability to comprehend and solve fraction word problems. Students will be given a pre and post test. Then separated into instructional groups. Most of our class is going to a different teacher during this block. The block occurs during the reading time on Fridays in March.
Reading: The fifth grade team is doing a unit on historical fiction with a focus on imagery, point of view, mood, and how the past influences the future. 
Writing: During writing workshop, we are reviewing how to use cognitive skills to analyze standardized test. Our goal is to think about how to answer the question as opposed to avoiding solving for the answer. 
Poetry: We will be studying poetry written during the American Revolutionary War era as poetry discussing Core Democratic Values.
Social Studies: We are embarking our studies of Chapter 12, Declaring Independence and Chapter 13 The Revolutionary War. By the end of his month, we will be studying Chapter 14, the Constitution and chapter 15, The Bill of Rights.
Science: We are studying Human Body and Motion. Mrs. Michelle Zmich, a University of Michigan intern,  is teaching this unit. There will be a research report completed by students in class and some portions at home. 

Unit 7
EDM Unit 7: Exponent and Negative Numbers

o Orders and compares positive numbers.
o Understands the relative magnitude of ones, tenths, hundredths, and the relationship of
each place value to the place to its right
o Adds positive and negative numbers
o Subtracts positive and negative numbers
o Uses parenthesis in number sentences to specify the order of operations.
o Multiplies a whole number by powers of 10: 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000

Base scientific notation standard notation
Expanded notation negative number nested parenthesis
Expression parenthesis power of 10
Factor power of a number order of operation
In the black number and word notation opposite
In the red
Line graph

Unit 8

EDM Unit 8 Fractions and Ratios
  • Adds and subtracts mixed numbers with common denominators
  • Adds simple mixed numbers with unlike denominators, 1 1/4 + 2 3/8.
  • Multiplies unit fractions (fractions with a numerator of one.) using tools such as area models.
  • Solves applied problems involving fractions and decimals. 

Science Fair

This year, every student submitted a project. I was impressed with the quality and types of projects. These projects were graded using a simplistic rubric. The scoring information along with a comment will be placed in the comment section of the report letter. 


In class, we have begun analyzing Michigan's newly designed standardized test, MSTEP. The MSTEp replaced the 40 year old MEAP test, a paper-pencil exam. For the next couple of weeks, I would like focus on the type of questions and how to think about the test. This is called cognitive thinking: thinking about problem solving.
Also, I am suggesting students analyze the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Please note that this test is a little difficult.

The testing schedule will be shared with parents in due time prior to Spring Break.
Below is a link to sample items released by the State of Michigan.
MSTEp practice Test
Smarter balanced practice
Grade level classroom activity and performance samples. LOOK for your grade.


Casey the runner adding and subtracting positive numbers

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