
Monday, February 9, 2015

Social Studies: Chapter 10 Study Guide

Chapter 10 Study Guide
The choice is yours Colonists.

1.     To describe the feelings and frustration and loss of autonomy and relate to the experience of American colonists prior to the Revolutionary War.
2.     Summarize the key events that created tensions between the colonists and Britain from 1754 to 1774. (Acts of Parliament)
3.     To use a metaphor of a parent and child to describe the tense relationship that developed between the colonies and Britain after the French and Indian War.

Terms to Know (Take notes while reading.)
·      French and Indian War
·      Proclamation of 1763 
·      Stamp Act
·      Quartering Act
·      Paper Act
·      Sugar Act
·      Boston Massacre
·      Boston Tea Party
·      Intolerable Acts
·      First Continental Congress

Technology Supplement:

Boston Tea Party More information
Sugar Act More information.
First Continental Congress More information


 Homework (10 points) due Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Quiz (12 points) Friday, February 13, 2015
Storyboard one event from the previous section (20 points) rank your top 3: Teacher and student select it.
Convey; a conflict, main character (s) with personality traits, accurate geographical setting with a day a time line, true historical solution, appropriate mood, labeling

Historical context/ relationship: Great Britain, King George III, Colonists, Colonies, British soldiers, Native Americans

Character traits are shown through speech, actions, and thoughts. They are intellectual (thinking), social (treat others), emotional (feelings) and physical (what you see). These traits are often described through adjectives. 

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