
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Favorite or Worst Colony (Opinion)

My favorite colony or Worst Colony (Opinion)

Part II (Part I is your story board comic strip)

If you were alive during this period in history, in which colony would you have chosen to live? Why?  Give 3 reasons. (3 Pros)

Write a letter to one of your friends in Great Britain persuading him or her to migrate to a colony of your choice. The time frame is the 18th century (1700's prior to 1760).


     Historical Date
   Introduction stating:
o   Colony
o   Colonial region (New England, Middle, and Southern)
o   Location (North, South, East or West, Atlantic ocean, near etc.)
     State 3 reasons why this colony is the best colony
    One of your reasons must contrast one of the opposing colonies or Regions (possible Con)
o   New England
o   Middle
o   Southern
     Use one con to prove your point. 
    Uses voice to persuade the reader of the letter (Use special words to target his or her wants and needs.)
     Closing Paragraph (Conclusion), restates main ideas, friendly chatter
   Less than 3 misspelled words
   Use a combination of complex and compound sentences. (Avoid run ons.)
   Use transition words within the paragraphs and changing paragraphs.
   Less than 3 grammatical errors

If you were alive during this period in history, in which colony would you have refused to live? Why?

Write a letter to one of your friends in Great Britain persuading him or her to never visit or do business with this colony.

  • State 3 reasons why this colony is the worst colony
  • Use of economic terms as a reason: natural resource, human resource, good, product, manufacturing, trade off, opportunity cost, etc.

Sample letter 

Favorite Colony

December 9, 1731

Dear Penny,

            Good morning! I hope you are doing well back in the Old World of England. I have settled into New Jersey in the Middle Region, which is south of the colony of Massachusetts Bay.  If you are looking for a colony with plenty of great land, a democratic government and plenty of job opportunities, in my opinion, New Jersey is the place for you.
            First, the main reason for coming to New Jersey is the chance of having plenty of great land. New Jersey began as a colony, because New York was too crowded. Sometimes, I felt like in New York, my cabin was going to touch another one. Our newly started colony gives colonists a chance to farm with great land. Also, our land provides opportunity for lumbering of trees. The soil is so rich, that you will be able to grow almost any crop. I know how much you like working in your garden.  To add to the opportunity to gardening, a nickname for the colonies in the middle is the breadbasket, because we are home to several colonies that have lots of farms.
Another reason to move to New Jersey is the democratic government. WE are so different from New York, another middle colony. They have a strict appointed governor who appoints people. No one votes. In New Jersey, your husband will be able to vote, because he is a white male. Voting will provide a chance to have a say in the matters of the colony.
Lastly, I know you are thinking New York has an opportunity to have a job fur trading but the trading business is really competitive with the Natives and the Dutch. Don’t waste your time in that business. Our colony offers skilled workers, farmers, and business owners. I even heard of someone working as a blacksmith.
To sum it all up, It may take a while but you will eventually have a nice area of spacious land, voting privileges and a new job in your future home, New Jersey. Tell aunt Bessie that I love her and send my well wishes to my old neighborhood. See you in a month in the best colony, New Jersey.

Avery Hubbard 

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