
Monday, March 6, 2017

March 2017

March 2017

I am not sure if March came in a like a lion or lamb. March appears to be confused due to global warming. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriate for the weather of the day. Students should dress for the current weather as opposed to the expected temperature. If the sun sets or is covered by a cloud, the weather appears cooler.

Important Dates

Wednesday, Mar. 8, 2017: Chapter 6 quiz, Early European Settlements
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2017: Chapter 7 quiz,

Forget-Me-Not Dates

Friday, Mar. 3, 2017: Read-a-thon begins at 3:50 PM
Wednesday, March 8, 2017: Half Day of School, Dismissal 11:53 AM, Elementary Report Writing
Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2017: National Pi Day, 3.14
Wednesday, March 15, 2017: Music Field Trip, Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor Symphony, 9:30- 11:30 AM
Thursday, Mar. 16, 2017: Read-a-thon ends, last day to turn in tickets
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2017: Natural History Museum Field Trip, 10:30- 12:30, 4-5 chaperones are needed.
Monday, Apr. 3- 7, 2017: Spring Break, School is closed
Monday, Apr. 8, 2017: School Resumes, M-STEP testing begins.

Subjects at a Glance

Math: Unit 5, Operations with Fractions, is a unit comprised of adding and subtracting mixed numbers; multiplying fractions; finding fractional area of a whole square unit; finding parts of a whole and mixed number, and dividing with fractions. This unit is challenging with many word problems; however, we will survive. I have taught lessons out of order due to the unexpected 3 days I was absent. I am uncertain the exact date of the unit test.
Language Arts
Writing: Students are writing expository essays and learning how to use 4 E's to expand their writing: Emotions, evidence, experience (anecdotal story), and examples. Students have also learned how to outline their essays.
Poetry: We concluded our study of Langston Hughes and will embark on a journey of understanding several popular women poets.
Social Studies: We have almost concluded our study of Chapter 6, Early European Settlements. In the next chapter, 13 Original Colonies, students are expected to learn and memorize all 3 regions, 13 colonies, reason for colonization, type of government, and economics of the colony. Chapter 8, Slavery in American Colonies,  is a take home quiz.
Science: We have built our standard vehicles and will prove the 3 Laws of Motion.


Although the read-a-thon is an optional event, I encourage all students to read: reading is fundamental to your child's success, and to help our class achieve our goal of winning the grade level party. Read-a-thon is also a fundraiser: it's an easy way to invest in your child and our building effortless without any sales or events. Students can promote cents or dollars per pages read or minutes read. Some students may promote family members to donate a designated dollar amount to our fundraiser. On most nights, I reduce the amount of math homework in order for students to allocate more time to reading. On these nights, the homework is to bring signed reading tickets as proof of reading.

New Reading calendar and log

I created a new reading logs for students to log his or her reading hours via a google spreadsheet. This google spreadsheet is fun way for peers to see each other books and comment on reading elements. Students who participate in the log are working to earn a special treat. Students have a choice to log on the reading log or log his or her books in their planner. These are the only two options. Reading 30 minutest every night is a requirement.

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