
Monday, March 27, 2017

Chapter 8, Facing Slavery

Chapter 8, Facing Slavery

Technology supplement
Triangular Trade Routes: Africa, England, and New World (Caribbean too)
List of African American Inventors

Study Guide

  • Identify minerals and resources (the geography) in Africa (supplement lessons)
  • Explain why West Africa was chosen for the slave trade (supplement lessons)
  • Identify and compare what was life like prior to Slavery and after slavery
  • Explain the process of becoming a Slave
  • Triangular Trade – identify the Triangular Trade route and describe each part of the triangle
    • imports (to a country)
    • exports (from a country)
·      West Coast of Africa
o   Holding Cells (The point of no Return)
·      Atlantic ocean (Middle Passage)
·      Some trade involved the Caribbean Islands in the Triangle.
·      Colonies/ Eastern part of North America
o   Auction Block
o   ‘Breaking in” Process
o   Plantation Rules
Identify the 4 Dilemmas of Slaves
(Use the descriptions in a Journal entry)
Resist and fight back … Die
Fake sickness
Run away (alone or Underground Railroad, supplement lessons)
Conform to being a slave

Explain how slaves coped and survived slavery with inventions and/ or hard work

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