
Friday, December 16, 2016

Entrepreneurs and Employees Interviews

Entrepreneurs and Employees Interviews
The roots of O&W distribution

Thank you to Werner/ Medeiros and Wanty-Lambert/ Morgeson families for the videos provided. The class was able to learn about entrepreneurs and employees of companies. I know taping a video and viewing yourself is a feat in itself; your videos were gratefully appreciated.

Owen's video gave our class insight on plumbing parts and how it feels to meet the CEO of ones' company. Thank you for your courage and the time it took to make the video.

Jimmy's video gave our class insight into distribution, licensing and how a family owned business lasts for 5 generations. This video took a few days to upload and a lot of Ms. Hubbard's patience, but we finally go it to work. Thank you for coming in and talking to us as well as showing the video.

Below are the videos we have shared with the class. Each company knew their partnerships (interdependence), target audience and competitors. I cannot wait to see our students' project on production and supply chain comic strips.

Jimmy's family business
Owen's video

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