
Friday, April 22, 2016

Student Biography

Biography Project

  Step 1: Decide on a person who you find fascinating or would like to know more about.

Choice: ____________________________________

  Step 2: Research & Writing

You will begin researching your chosen person.  You may use books, websites, magazines, encyclopedias or any other appropriate source.  You will need to use at least 2 sources for your research. Primary and secondary sources. (They can be any combination of internet, book, etc.).  If you choose to use books, make sure you have two different books; if you choose to use just websites, make sure to use two different websites.  It is important that you “cite” all of your sources.  To help you with this, there is an example of a bibliography included. 

What to research and write about…
*** You may get a parent or another adult to edit your work with you at home OR ask a teacher to edit with you at school.  

   Describe the early life of your person.
-Tell about what kind of person he or she was.
-What was it about your character that helped him or her to succeed?
-Did your character know what he or she wanted to become in the future?
-How did your character prepare for his or her future?

   Tell about the work your person did.
          -Tell why his/her work or contribution was important.
-Did he or she invent something or teach others?
-How did he or she change the world?
          -What lasting effects did your character have on the lives of others?

   What should we all know about your person?
          - How do we benefit today from him or her? Has anything in the world changed as a result of their existence?
          - What do you think was the most impressive thing about your character?

   Tell how your person has inspired you.
-       In what ways would you like to be him or her? Are others inspired by this person
         -      In rare cases, a student may be researching a person who is 
              not worthy of being an inspiration to others. If this is the case, 
              state the reasons why this person should not be an inspiration 
            to kids.

  Step 3: Choose one of the following formats to complete your biography.

***Projects may either be type written or written neatly by hand.

Mobile (with symbols from their life)

Cereal box format


Narrative Format

Symbols __________________________________________
Picture (s)_________________________________________
Childhood ________________________________________
Teen years ________________________________________
Adult life __________________________________________
Inspiration _____________________________________________

Ø Note: Write in third person. Use voice and mood to convey the various themes throughout your selected person’s life.
Ø NOTE: Whichever format you choose, you MUST include a picture of your selected person somewhere in/on your project.
Ø NOTE: Remember to proofread, proofread, proofread!  Have an adult or older sibling proofread for you as well.

Sample Bibliography

  • Place it at the Bibliography at the end of the Biography.
  • List in alphabetical order of the last names of authors or the website titles.
  • Be sure to cite all sources.
  • If a book or other material does not have an author, use the title in place of the author’s last name. One-page articles and encyclopedia articles do not need numbers. 

Bianca Smith


“Elijah McCoy Biograhy.”, April 22, 2016.   

Towle, Wendy.  The Real McCoy, the life of an Inventor.  New York: Scholastic, 1993.

How to cite an interview 

Last Name, First Name. Kind of interview. Date 

Miles, Sam. Personal Interview. December 25, 2007. 

Websites to assist students:

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