
Friday, February 5, 2016

February 2016

February 2016

Important Dates

Thursday, February 4, 2016: EDM Unit 4, Chapter Test
Friday, February 5, 2016: Hypothesis or Purpose is due.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2016: Procedure is due.
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016: References, research and partner plan is due.
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016: Boards will be given to students.
Friday, Feb. 26, 2016: Energy quiz.
Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016: Final Projects are due with conclusion and/or results with pictures, diagrams. Models must be child friendly or accompanied with a  hands-off sign.

Dates to Remember

Friday, Feb. 5, 2016: Pattengill's talent show 6:00 PM
Monday, Feb. 8, 2016: NAAPID Day *, (Parent Involvement Day)/ In school performance of Talent Show
Friday, Feb. 12, 2016: Valentine's Day Card Exchange, 3:00- 3:30 PM*
Monday, Feb. 15- 19, 2016: Mid-winter break, No school for 1 week
Monday, Feb. 22, 2016: School resumes
Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016: Science Fair, 6:30 PM*
Wednesday, Mar. 9, 2016: Camp, Howell Nature Center
Thursday, Mar. 10, 2016: Camp, Howell Nature Center
Friday, Mar. 11, 2016: Camp, Howell Nature Center

Subjects at-a-Glance

EDM: We are completing Unit 4. This unit was rather long due to the extensive content. Unit 5, operations with Fractions. Below this section you will find the content standards for the unit. Also, this month the fifth grade team will
Language Arts:
Reading Workshop: In the month of February, we will be studying historical fiction and biography. Students will learn the characteristics of both genres and will be able to compare and contrast these genres to other genres.
Writing Workshop:Students will be write a formal essay title Dead or Alive about meeting someone dead or alive with 3 reasons. Students will also be
Word Study: In my word study class, we will be studying the latin root of equ- (same, balanced), rupt (break or burst), and civil (citizen), the suffix -ful (full of) and -ly.
Poetry Anthology: During the month of February, the class will be studying Harlem Renaissance Poet, Langston Hughes. His poetry and pose will be used to review our study of literary elements.
Social Studies:We have concluded our study of Chapter 8, Facing Slavery. Currently, the class is studying life in Western Africa prior to Slavery and the geographic regions of Africa. We will also study Chapter 9, Colonial Williamsburg and its comparison to England and European Civilization. We will also begin chapter 10, Growing Tensions between the colonies and Great Britain. Students will be completing a Storyboard demonstrating what was learned.
Science: We will continue with our study of energy throughout  the month of February. Students will be performing a heat exchange experiment. Also, students should be preparing to begin their science fair projects. Each week, 2 parts of the project should be drafted and turned into the teacher. This will avoid procrastination.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW): Project Lead the Way, stem program, last day for our class was Wednesday, January 27, 2016. The class learned a great deal about robots and the use of robots to human problems. Students designed and followed a model design.

Unit 5, Operations with Fractions

  • Find Common Denominators.
  • Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.
  • Multiply fractions by whole numbers.
  • Multiply fractions using paper folding, area models, or an algorithm.
  • Explain why multiplying a fraction by a fraction equal to 1 gives an equivalent fraction.
  • Divide a unit fraction by a whole number.
  • Divide a whole number by a unit fraction.

Unit 5, Operations with Fractions vocabulary

algorithm         factor pair     product    area model      quick common denominator (QCD)
least common denominator (LCD)      Least common multiple (LCM)      Common denominator (CD)
dimensions      multiple         quotient     dividend         multiplication rule    represent
divisor             equivalent fraction         factor              multiplicative identity  property                  

Left is the late Joe Dulin, Founder of international NAAPID Day


This Monday all parents are invited to visit our school. NAAPID was started in 1996 by the late Joe Dulin as a way to invite African American parents who did not feel welcomed in Ann Arbor Public Schools. The NAAPID day, Second Monday in February,  was designed as a day where parents of color received a special invitation to AAPS schools to visit classrooms and special programs while being treated to breakfast or lunch served. NAAPID has evolved as a day where all parents, guardians and grandparents are welcomed to visit.  Pattengill will serve lunch to parents and hold a special workshop for parents; our sister school, Bryant, will host our shared community parents in the morning and serve breakfast. In the afternoon, we will hold the school version of the Talent Show. You are invited to visit either in the morning or afternoon.

Valentine's Day Card Exchange

Each year Puma Thinkers celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging Valentine Cards while eating cookies or doughnuts with milk.  It is not required for students to bring cards; however, if a student desires to participate, her or she must bring a card for every student. If a card is not given to every student, the incomplete set will be collected and sent home. Some students bring extra cards in order to avoid a mishap such as this. I am sending a list home of all the students' names in the class. Also, if a child chooses to bring candy, the candy must be attached to the card or the candy must have Valentine Day words on it. This avoids Valentine's Day becoming a second Halloween Day.

The following families will be donating treats for our exchange:
L. Zaientz family- 2 dozens of doughnuts
M. Smith family- 1 package of cookies (Lactaid milk)
I. Adul-Aziz family- 1 package of cookies
K. Hooker family- 1(2% milk) and 1/2 (whole milk) gallon of milk

Science Fair

All parents and families are invited to attend Pattengill's annual Science Fair @6:30PM. Please come and support our scientist. Upon leaving, you may take your project home.

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