
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Best Colony by Adrian, Guest Blogger

Best Colony is  New York
December 9th, 1681
Fur Traders in Manhattan, NY

Dear Bob,

I know things have been tough back in Great Britain, especially with the blizzards. I also know you were wanting to move from Britain although you had no idea where. This will tell you where to go and put you out of the winter misery. How would you and Susan like it if it wasn't so tough for you guys? That is why you should come to the middle colony of New York. New York is a very fine place on the north-eastern side of the New World and it is unlike many other colonies. There are many job opportunities, a great climate, and a powerful governor.

First, New York has many job opportunities such as lumbermen, fishermen, merchants, craftsmen, trappers-we just have so many we can’t name them all. But you get the idea. We have a abundance of jobs. There’s more to it though, so don't be all bored of me exaggerating a lot. Also, if you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. New York literally has an abundance of jobs. I know you love crafting things so I would recommend being a craftsman for you. Also, don't think that you’re going to be the only one doing the job. There are lots of people to help you and give you advice. Also, after you work they offer you some refreshments to help you to soften up your tight muscles or just to relax a little. I am a farmer with a lot of other people. With farming, we don't farm for ourselves. We farm for the whole colony. It seems like a lot, but it isn’t. It pays off greatly. Also, if you get a slave to do your job, you don't have to work.

New York has one great environment. The summers are hot and the winters are cold. Plus, we have easy access to water so don't feel like you’re going to run short. Also, we have tons of natural resources and perfect farming soil that makes farming so much easier! We have so many trees that the lumbermen won't need to be looking for a single one. Oh, that reminds me. The number of natural resources makes a job of mining. So, if you want to look for stuff with a pickaxe in your hand, come to New York.

Unlike Maryland, we have a powerful governor that protects us from the Spanish and defends us so we rarely get attacked. Also, you should meet our governor; he is the greatest governor out of all the 13 colonies. He provides us with all our needs and listens to our requests. Also, unlike Maryland we have a much safer environment. We don't have hot steamy weather that encourages mosquitoes to roam about and spread diseases. Also, we have an environment that makes our jobs 10 times easier. I knew you were thinking about moving to Maryland, but don’t. They need to have tobacco, a cash crop to make them rich. Here, just doing your job gets you rich.

So, I wish the best to the family and especially to you. I hope to see you in a great place like me right now. Tell the family that Sally and I are having a wonderful time in the colony of New York, and tell them they can come live with us to like you are doing. So, if you get a chance, book a ride to New York and see what I’m talking about. Or, you can just book a special boat ride for yo and the whole family. All 21 of them. Don't worry, in New York, 23 people are not going to take up a lot of space in the colony. If you decide to come, which I know you will because you listen to your family, send me a letter of when you are coming and where you’re going to be staying. I’m staying on the south-east part of the colony, right by the ocean. See you soon in New York!



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