
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Social Studies Chapter 2

Social Studies Chapter 2

Chapter 2, Native Americans and Their land
Learning Objectives
  • Explain migration routes of Native Americans
  • Describe and Compare Four natural environments in North America
    • Mountains
      • rainy and snowy
      • Northwest Coast, California Inter-mountains and some of the Eastern Woodlands
    • Grasslands
      • some rain with small bushes
      • Great Plains and Plateau (Southeast)
    • Deserts
      • dry with very little rain
      • Southwest (Southeast) 
    • Arctic Fields
      • cold, snowy
      • Arctic Fields area (Alaska, Canada etc.)
  • Describe an Inuit Family in their Arctic home
  • Explain how a place determines how a person adapts to an area.
Geography Theme: Place, Movement and Human Environment Interaction
Describe a place in an environment
Describe why and how Native Americans moved and what moved with them

Describe how they adapted to their new environment

Videos to Watch
First Americans video
List of Native American Tribal Names of Native Americans

  1. Classwork, (12 points), due ________
  2. Homework, Dictionary entry sheet (12 points) due  ________
  3. Quick Write: Moving: (5) due _________

Assessment: Build, create or draw a diagramed- model of one of the Native American Environments with Native American tribes. (20 points)
Include: climate features, 3 bodies of water, 2 landforms . Show how each were used for human Adaptation to live in their environment
Demonstrate people adapting to the area
1 paragraph written description explaining the model

Check in 10/28/15 written plan of your ideas and material, if needed
Due Monday, October 5, 2015

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