
Monday, September 28, 2015

Completing Incomplete Math pages

Monday, September 28, 2015

Homework, Complete incomplete pages from Unit 1. Focus on the following lessons.
If a student has completed all work, work on Box 1.11
Bring your journal tomorrow.

Lesson 1.11
page 32

Lesson 1.10
pages 28, 29
Box 1.10 # 1, 2,3, 5

Lesson 1.9
pages 25 26
Box 1.9 #1, 2, 3, 5

Lesson 1.8

page 22 Complete chart (Checked in class )
Box 1.8 all

Lesson 1.7
page 19
Box 1.7 all

Lesson 1.6
page 16
Box 1.6  #2, 3, 4

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Social Studies Chapter 2

Social Studies Chapter 2

Chapter 2, Native Americans and Their land
Learning Objectives
  • Explain migration routes of Native Americans
  • Describe and Compare Four natural environments in North America
    • Mountains
      • rainy and snowy
      • Northwest Coast, California Inter-mountains and some of the Eastern Woodlands
    • Grasslands
      • some rain with small bushes
      • Great Plains and Plateau (Southeast)
    • Deserts
      • dry with very little rain
      • Southwest (Southeast) 
    • Arctic Fields
      • cold, snowy
      • Arctic Fields area (Alaska, Canada etc.)
  • Describe an Inuit Family in their Arctic home
  • Explain how a place determines how a person adapts to an area.
Geography Theme: Place, Movement and Human Environment Interaction
Describe a place in an environment
Describe why and how Native Americans moved and what moved with them

Describe how they adapted to their new environment

Videos to Watch
First Americans video
List of Native American Tribal Names of Native Americans

  1. Classwork, (12 points), due ________
  2. Homework, Dictionary entry sheet (12 points) due  ________
  3. Quick Write: Moving: (5) due _________

Assessment: Build, create or draw a diagramed- model of one of the Native American Environments with Native American tribes. (20 points)
Include: climate features, 3 bodies of water, 2 landforms . Show how each were used for human Adaptation to live in their environment
Demonstrate people adapting to the area
1 paragraph written description explaining the model

Check in 10/28/15 written plan of your ideas and material, if needed
Due Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Curriculum Night 2015

Curriculum Night

Here is my presentation:

Email me if you have any questions.

The parent/ Teacher sign in will be available electronically after tonight.

Latitude and Longitude Free Games

Latitude and Longitude Practice 

Find the Equator, first
Find the Latitude line North or South of the Equator
Find the Prime Meridan
Find the Longitude line, East or West of the Prime Meridan

latitude and Longitude game, easy

Latitude and longitude, easy/ medium

latitude and longitude on iPad

Life Connection Inquiry:

Who uses Latitude and Longitude?
Why is Latitude and Longitude lines important?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Convenient Communication


Here are the ways to communicate with me:

Planner: brief notes
Written Notes
Email : Ms. Hubbard's email
Phone: (734) 994- 1961 ext. 27424

Here are the ways I communicate with you:

Blog Ms.Hubbard'sfifthgradeblog
Email (See above address)
Notes: I typically respond to your note onto the same paper.
Remind 101: group or individual text (email)messages
Phone: (734) 994-1961
A variety ways achieve effective Communication

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 2015

September 2015

     Important Dates

Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015: Constitution Day
Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015: NWEA Reading, 9- 10 AM
Friday, Sept. 18, 2015: NWEA Math, 10:30- 11:30 AM
Monday, Sept. 21, 2015: Curriculum Night, 6:30- 8:00 PM
Thursday, Sept. 25, 2015:Unit 1 Math Test, Tentative

Dates to Remember

Friday, Sept. 11, 2015: Patriot’s Day
Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015: Picture Day
Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015: Retake and Candid group photos
Wednesday, Nov. 11- 13, 2015: Fifth Grade Camp, Howell Nature Center, Howell, MI

Hello! I am delighted to be your child’s fifth-grade teacher.  This year your child will learn and develop supported by a partnership between school and home. I will not be teaming with Mrs. Kimmey for Science Instruction due her enrollment in the doctoral program at the University of Michigan.  I will be teaching all core subjects to your child excluding reading: the entire fifth grade team shares students and groups students in order to create more fluid reading-leveled classes.  Students are assessed and promoted by reading levels within each class.

I look forward to meeting you and outlining the learning goals for the upcoming year during Curriculum Night.  Please bring any questions, or concerns you may have.  Also, you will be selecting a parent-teacher conference date. It will be helpful to bring your personal calendar.


Primarily, I use email and the student planner as primary methods of communication. I can be reached via work email, or my personal email,  I can be reached via phone @ 994.1961 x27424 during normal business hours.

This year, your child will have approximately 4-5 nights of homework every week.  Usually, math is the primary subject completed as homework.  Homework is to be returned the following school day.  In addition to math homework, students are expected to read a minimum of 30-minutes, 5 nights a week, documented in his/her planner.   Students earn an immediate consequence for not completing homework, a loss of 15 minutes of either lunch or afternoon recess.  If your child cannot complete the assigned homework due to an extenuating incident, please write a brief note on the assignment or attach the note to the assignment.


Students are allowed to eat snacks in the classroom within any 20-minute period while completing his or her assignments.  After 20 minutes have passed, students are asked to either finish eating the snack or place it into a lunch-container or backpack.  Students are allowed to chew gum in moderation as long as it is not heard or seen. There are several restrictions: large amounts of candy, glass containers, and microwavable foods.  Students are permitted to pop popcorn on predetermined days.  Please remember, Pattengill is a nut-free building. Please adhere to this restriction due to severe food allergies in our classroom.


Students are permitted to celebrate birthdays with a singing of Happy Birthday and a treat.  Students must give a treat to everyone, and are responsible for any necessary eating utensils excluding knives or sharp objects.  The current class count is 24. Please try to inform me prior to bringing the birthday treat into the classroom. The only permitted items are pre-packaged food items with a label. Please adhere to this restriction due to severe food allergies in our classroom. Accept my apology for not being able to bring in cupcakes or cake items.


Within A-7, I use a fair and firm policy centered with respect and trust.  Students have clear expectations and guidelines.  When a child has not met or not followed a behavioral expectation, clear outlined steps are used to determine the consequence. Behavioral Expectations are determined in the PBIS matrix given to you in the beginning of the year packet.

Specials Schedule

Lunch Recess is 11:30- 11:54, Lunch 11:54- 12:18
Mondays                 World Language                                                                       2:00- 2:30 PM
                               Instrumental Music                                                                  2:30- 3:00 PM
                               Vocal Music                                                                             3:00- 3:30 PM
Tuesdays                 Art                                                                                           9:00- 9:46 AM
Wednesdays             World Language                                                                       2:00- 2:30 PM
                               Instrumental Music                                                                  2:30- 3:00 PM
                               Vocal Music                                                                             3:00- 3:30 PM
Thursdays                Physical Education                                                                   2:00- 2:45 PM
Fridays                    ILT, Information Literacy and Technology                             9:45- 10:30 AM

Useful items in A-7
It would be helpful if each child could
donate to the classroom supply:
  • A box of Kleenex
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hand Wipes (non-alcohol, used for hands)
  • Clorox Cleaning wipes (For Tables)
  • Portable with batteries or electric pencil sharpeners

Daily, students will use:
  • A backpack
  • Pencil box  (Required)
  • Number 2 pencils or Mechanical Pencils with ‘lead’
  • An old sock as an eraser or Dry erase board with a dry erase marker