
Friday, April 17, 2015

Day of Service

Day of Service

Day of service was cancelled for our class due to the extremely cold weather and ill prepared students for the weather. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Although the day of service is scheduled for this Wednesday, the M-Step test takes precedence over all other activities.  We have the Social Studies portion of the test beginning in the morning. Students will be allowed to take their time as a way to avoid setting a rushed completion time.

If a majority of the class has completed the test, we will complete our service part of the project in the afternoon. I signed the class up for cleaning the driveway of debris, branches and weeds. Below are the items we will need to loan from your possession:

  1. Rakes
  2. Push brooms
  3. Utility gloves or thick worker's gloves
  4. Any other safe and pertinent outdoor items

Feel free to drop off these items at least one day prior to the Scheduled Day of service. Please write your name on the items with a dark sharpie.

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