
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Elementary Engineering Exploration Day

Elementary Engineering Exploration Day

Elementary Engineering Exploration Day is a day for elementary students to come to campus to learn more about engineering for themselves and participate in fun, engaging activities. This semester, SWE is partnering with BLUElab at the University of Michigan to put on this event. Throughout the day, the students will visit stations put on by different project teams at the University of Michigan, and they will participate in a bigger design challenge towards the end of the day. In addition, we will be having a student panel for the parents to ask current UofM students any questions they may have.

This year, EEE Day will be on Sunday, March 22nd from 10:30am - 1:30pm. The cost is $12 per child and $5 per parent. The cost includes a t-shirt for your child and lunch for everyone attending. In order to attend, you can fill out this link to register. 
Contact/ Questions: Emily Smith

Please register as soon as possible, as space is limitedThe registration deadline is Sunday, March 15th. If you register after this day, we cannot guarantee that your child will get the correct t-shirt size.

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