
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Data Celebration and Valentine's Party


Important Date

Friday, Feb. 13, 2015 @12:15 Celebration

I am honored to inform you that 83% of the class had growth in Math on the NWEA assessment for winter. Of the 4 students who either did not display growth or experienced a minor loss of growth, two of these students were well above grade level. Their computer adaptive test yielded above grade level questions. One of the 4 students remained constant. Only one student below grade level experienced one point loss.

Keep up the good work and celebrate with us on Friday, Feb. 13, 2015 @12:15, Valentine Party and Data Celebration with a Flash Mob. There will be a sign up next week. You are more than welcome to celebrate with us. If students desire to bring a Valentine card or treat, he or she must bring a Valentine for every classmate. In the event that a card is not brought for every student, the student will not be allowed to pass out his or her treat. I will send a paper list of students'  first names next week.

Next Steps

I will give students their data within the next week or so. Students will be reviewing their SMART goals as well as writing new goals with action plans.

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