
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chapter 9, Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Chapter 9, Colonial Williamsburg, VA

 Due Dates

Plan or draft due _1/27_________________________
Final Due date __1/29__________________________

Inquiry Questions to think about while creating your project:
What was life like for people living in the original thirteen British colonies during the late 1700s? 
How and why did life differ for families in different areas? 
What did colonists do for entertainment and education?

  • To identify important sites in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia (VA)
  • To describe six aspect of life in any colony:
    • Religion
    • Government
    • Education
    • Social life
    • Trades
    • Slave life
There is no test for this this chapter only a project.

1.     Create a comic strip displaying life in Colonial Williamsburg, VA. You may choose a Middle or New England colony of your choice. You may use conversations or a narrator as well. You can use one-day or several days as a time reference. Labeled with the following parts. (30 points)
a.     Accurate Colonial region geography(climate, land, etc.)
b.     Trade- choose 3 out of 6 terms and illustrate examples: raw materials (natural resource), human resources, capital resources, interdependence to Great Britain or other colonies, import and/or export
c.      Social life- what they did for entertainment
d.     Education
e.     Religion (As pertaining to the colony of your choice)
f.      Government

Definitions/ Terms
raw materials/ natural resources- natural materials from the earth: wood, fruit, vegetables, animals
human resources- when a human provides a service i.e., blacksmith, shoemaker, cobbler, attorney, teacher, farmer, etc.
capital resources- man made products made via a production, human resource with a natural or synthetic resource
interdependence- when 2 parties, people or companies have a business relationship that must exist via a service or product. (a Teacher has an interdependence with her students) Coco-cola has an interdependence relationship with restaurants, because one must make the product and the other one needs the products for it customers.  There were several interdependence relationships in the colonies. 
export- a resource or product shipped from a colony or country
import- a resource or product shipped to a country from another country

Use chapter(s) 7, 8 and 9 as a point of reference for your information. 

Guidelines and Criteria

There is not a maximum length; however, there is a minimum length of 5 frames. You must have a written summary to accompany your comic strip.

  • Neatness
  • Color (If you  choose to create a handmade comic strip)
  • Geography/ setting
  • Accurate information (Social studies information) {See the requirements listed above.}
  • Labeling of required information
  • Less than 3 grammar or spelling errors

Helpful videos and images
Follow the arrows 
Brown: slave trade products
Green: Colonies to England
Orange: England to Africa & Colonies
Purple: West Indies/ Caribbean islands to Colonies

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