
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Practice NWEA

NWEA stands for Northwest Evaluation Association

Winter Testing

Friday, January 9, 2015: NWEA Math test, 9- 10 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2015:NWEA Reading Test, 10- 11 AM

Please keep these dates in mind as you plan appointments and schedule other miscellaneous dates.

Understanding the NWEA

Students take the NWEA 3 times a year at Pattengill. The data is used to guide instruction and other assessments. The beauty of the NWEA is a national standardized test assessing national outcomes. Also, it is an individualized assessment, as a student scores answers correctly the test increases the difficulty of the questions. The same is true for scoring answers incorrectly, the assessment gives students easier questions to answer as the test progresses.

Students RIT scores are compared to classmates, the district and other students nationally. A RIT score also yields grade level equivalent information.

Online Practice for NWEA

 Use your NWEA RIT score to use these websites for practicing skills. You were given your RIT score in your report letter envelope.

Math Individualized Practice
Reading Individualized Practice

Practice Test Both Reading and Math practice questions

Students should document their practice in their planner with a date, type of activity and parent signature. It is suggested that students practice 2-3 times.

Test Taking Strategies for multiple choice Questions

Try Process of Elimination (POE) when there are multiple choices on any question
Find the following by reading carefully

  • Stinker answer XX (It is so wrong you can spot it a mile away)
  • Related but wrong answer X (Similar subject but wrong)
  • Stop sign {stop} (Usually one word or phrase makes the choice wrong)
  • Best choice :))) (Reread carefully at least twice.)

The answers may be an any order.

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