
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Practice NWEA

NWEA stands for Northwest Evaluation Association

Winter Testing

Friday, January 9, 2015: NWEA Math test, 9- 10 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2015:NWEA Reading Test, 10- 11 AM

Please keep these dates in mind as you plan appointments and schedule other miscellaneous dates.

Understanding the NWEA

Students take the NWEA 3 times a year at Pattengill. The data is used to guide instruction and other assessments. The beauty of the NWEA is a national standardized test assessing national outcomes. Also, it is an individualized assessment, as a student scores answers correctly the test increases the difficulty of the questions. The same is true for scoring answers incorrectly, the assessment gives students easier questions to answer as the test progresses.

Students RIT scores are compared to classmates, the district and other students nationally. A RIT score also yields grade level equivalent information.

Online Practice for NWEA

 Use your NWEA RIT score to use these websites for practicing skills. You were given your RIT score in your report letter envelope.

Math Individualized Practice
Reading Individualized Practice

Practice Test Both Reading and Math practice questions

Students should document their practice in their planner with a date, type of activity and parent signature. It is suggested that students practice 2-3 times.

Test Taking Strategies for multiple choice Questions

Try Process of Elimination (POE) when there are multiple choices on any question
Find the following by reading carefully

  • Stinker answer XX (It is so wrong you can spot it a mile away)
  • Related but wrong answer X (Similar subject but wrong)
  • Stop sign {stop} (Usually one word or phrase makes the choice wrong)
  • Best choice :))) (Reread carefully at least twice.)

The answers may be an any order.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Puma Praise Print by Zeina

Puma Praise Print by Zeina 

I can create a SMART Goal and use a self assessment to evaluate my progress.

1. I want to learn how to write the alphabet in arabic,by practicing for 15 minutes,by January 30th.

2. I want to get a perfect score on word choices,by December 21st 2015, I will achieve this by using a   thesaurus.

3. I want to learn multiplication facts 7-9 by practicing for an hour everyday by December 20th 2014.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Science Fair Project 2015

Required Science Fair Project 2015 (Topic Sheet)


Friday, Jan. 9, 2015: Topic sheet is due.
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015: Final submission of title of project and a partner (optional) Last day to change topic
Friday, Jan. 16, 2016: List of materials is due.
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015: Hypothesis or Purpose is due.
Friday Jan. 23, 2015:Procedure is due. (Subtopics researched)
Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015: Boards will be given on this day to students who have submitted                                                 all assignments.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015: : References and research
Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015: Final project is due with conclusion and/ or                                                                    results as well as pictures or diagrams.  (On the board)
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2015: Science Fair, @6:00 PM  (Take board home upon leaving or pick up on Friday Morning) Attendance is not mandatory.

By turning in parts weekly, students will avoid procrastination. All items can be drafts. Each part will be revised before placing on the final project. 

Materials are the items used or to be used in the project.
Hypothesis is the prediction of what the scientist thinks will happen or occur in the experiment.  Usually a hypothesis is supported with a reason.
Purpose is the rationale supporting the research or demonstration or model.
Procedure is a list of numerical steps written in complete sentences.
References are any books, websites, or collaborators used in the experiment.
Research is any information researched that explains the project.
Conclusion is the written final results after the experiment is completed in paragraph format. It answers the hypothesis.
Results are the findings in the demonstration projects or what was learned.
Pictures are any photographs of the models or steps during the experiment.

Diagrams are picture models with labeled parts.

Parents are required to sign the topic sheet and encourage your child to keep it in a separate folder during the duration of the project. 


  • Scientific Method
  • Organization
  • Critical Thinking
  • Sequencing
  • Technical Skills
  • Analyzation
  • Research

1. Students are not allowed to have a partner due to issues last year with snow days and traveling in bad weather. Let's try something new this year.
2. Projects are mostly home projects with some time for in- class work.
3. Each part must be legibly printed or typed on the board. Computers are available during lunchtime on Mondays and Wednesdays.
4. The PTO will donate the board. The boards will be given to students at the end of January.
5. Avoid gluing assignments on the board until I have approved it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mr Ruperts 13 Colonies

Thirteen Colonies: the Southern Colonies

Thirteen Colonies: the Middle Colonies

Thirteen Colonies: the New England Colonies

Winter Survival

Winter Survival, Friday, January 30, 2015

Save the Date and Time, 9:20- 2:00 PM

We will be enduring the cold and rigid temperature to learn about heat, motion, chemical, gravitational, sound, potential, light and kinetic energies during winter survival. We only use electrical energy en route to the Frans Lake, located the intersection of M-14 and M150. *

Parents are welcome to join us; however, any parent who wishes to chaperone or volunteer within a classroom must complete a background check through Ann Arbor Public Schools annually.  Forms are available in the office.

Planning and Preparation

Garments needed:

  • A minimum of 2 layers
  • Warm, insulated winter boots
  • Hat and insulated gloves
  • Snow pants (If a child chooses to not wear snow pants, 3 layers are permitted.)
  • Dress in layers to avoid overheating
  • Avoid scarves
If a child is not dressed appropriately, school officials have the right to exclude the child from the trip.

Students will be asked to do the following in preparation for the trip:

  • Select a group of 4-5 cooperative classmates.
  • Complete a meal planning sheet
  • Choose designated food items with parental permission
  • Ask parent(s) to purchase the items.
  • Bring all items needed to prepare the food (foil, utensils, pots,  pans, etc.)
  • Consider all health, dietary restrictions and allergies within the group
  • Adhere to strict restrictions
    • No nuts
    • No knifes
    • No matches or fuel of any kind
    • Avoid cross contamination of raw meats and other foods.

During the outdoor-trip:

Students will
  • Collect several sizes of wood
  • Build a fire with the supervision of Environmentalist (No parental help)
  • Cook food while continuing to feed the fire
  • Keep warm
  • Clean up all campsite and remove all trash
* In the event of a location change by environmentalists, parents will be notified via email. Trip is only cancelled due to subzero temperatures. Students should check the weather frequently and dress appropriately.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Puma Praise Print by Trinity

Puma Praise Print by Trinity

I can create a SMART Goal and use a self- assessment to evaluate my progress.
  • 1.     I want to earn a secure grade on my 6-9 multiplication facts by 12/13/14.
  • 2.     I wan to earn a secure grade in print by 3/1/15. I will achieve this by practicing print 3 times a week.
  • 3.     I want to read 6 chapter books by 12/30/14. I will achieve this by reading every night a minimum of 30 minutes.

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 2014

December 2014

Important Dates

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014: Chapter 7, History Alive, America's Past, Comparing the Colonies, Quiz
Thursday, Dec, 18, 2014: Unit 5, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Dates to Remember

Monday, Dec. 8, 2014: Book Fair Begins (Preview only, no sales)
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014: Parent's night @ Book Fair (5-8 PM)
                                             Math Night, 6:30- 8:00 PM
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014: Book Fair Ends
Friday, Dec. 19, 2014: The End of the Year Celebration: Achieving Goals and Making New Goals                
Friday, Dec. 19, 2014: Winter Break begins @ 3:42 PM

Subjects at a glance:

Math: We are studying Fractions to Decimals to Percents. This a long and challenging unit. Many homework assignments will be supplemental materials. Parents are encouraged to use a former blog entry, Math websites as a resource tool.
Reading: Students are engaged in a study of Informational Text: the graphical features and the structure of the text. Students are learning how to find the main idea as well as how to use graphics organizers to comprehend the text.
Writing: In December, were are undergoing several writing projects. One is taking stance on an issue and writing a persuasive paragraph, taught by Mrs. Zmich, our intern. Another one is expository essay. The final project persuasive essays about their Favorite or Worst colony. The latter is  integrated with Social studies and completed during Social Studies class. Some of these projects will be coming home.
Poetry: Students are completing their simile sketches and learning about hyperboles.
Social Studies: We are studying Chapter 7, Comparing the Colonies, in History Alive. Students are expected to complete a graphical organizer comparing 6 of the 13 colonies, compare and contrast the 3 Regions, complete 1 Homework assignment as well as write a persuasive essay, My Favorite or Worst Colony. Students will select a colony of their choice. Only classroom materials will be used in the essay.
Science: Science Fair is required and is considered a major project and will be noted on the report letter. There will not be partners in A-7 due to the difficulty of scheduling time outside of school hours and lack of compatible partners. The form is due now but your idea can be resubmitted in January to me. Each component of the project will be due weekly and a board will be given upon all items submitted.

Unit 5: Fractions, Decimals and percents

·       Understands percentages as parts out of 100 and uses % notation.
·       21. Converts between fractions and mixed numbers.
·       22. Expresses fractions and decimals as percentages and vice versa.

·       23. Solves applied problems involving decimals, including rounding of answers and checking reasonableness.

Snow Angels

Our Bryant/ Pattengill Community supports families in need each Holiday season.  Please select a snowman and purchase the item. Each item should be new and wrapped. Bring all items to the office by Friday, Dec. 12, 2014.

Science fair Packet

Science Fair Packets are going home this week. Please sign it and discuss the type of project that is best for your child to complete.  The science Fair is in Thursday, February 26, 2015 @ 6:30-8 PM. Students need not be present.

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is approaching. Bryant/ Pattengill is separately in need of coaches. Coaches must be willing to meet with their team at Pattengill after school to train mentally for the competition. It is a great way for enrichment in Math and Science. View this video for more information:
Contact Ellen Forsman

Giving the Best and Expecting the Best,
Avery Hubbard

Puma Praise Print by Emilio U- B.

Puma Praise Print
Emilio, left, blue shirt

S M A R T goal
I can create a specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, and time bound “SMART” goal.
I can self- assess my learning and other activities.

1.               I want to know all of my division facts by 3-7-15. I will do this by doing everyday.

2.               I want to know how to make all of my uppercase cursive letters by 3-7- 15. I will do this by doing cursive worksheets.

3.               I want to know how to get 65 soccer juggles by June 1, 2014. I will do this by juggling 15 minutes everyday.