
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Social Studies, November 2014

Chapter 5, Routes of European Exploration
Chapter 6, English Settlements

There will be a test for units 5 and 6 combined. (10 points)

Chapter 5, Objectives
I can explain the Columbian Exchange and its impact on the New and Old World.
I can identify (Understand) how different Explorers positively and negatively impacted an area. (Effects)
I can identify (Understand) Explorer motives for exploring various parts of the New World
I can identify European sponsoring countries and the most common sponsoring country.
I can explain the motives of a sponsoring country.

Assignments: Group Résumé of Explorer, 20 points, Thursday October 30, 2014
HW: Columbian Exchange graphic organizer, 10 points, due after Camp Nov. 13, 2014

Online Resources Columbian Exchanges (scroll down on the website)

Chapter 6 Objectives
I can compare and contrast a settlement to a colony.
I can explain the challenges and accomplishments of Jamestown
I can explain the purpose of the Mayflower Compact and signers, and the location of the Mayflower Compact.
I can describe and compare the Virginia Colonies’ physical design and government to England.
I can analyze why Roanoke is the Lost Settlement.

Assignments: Mayflower Compact web points, 5 points [homework] due Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014
Compare and contrast graphic organizer  and concept maps for each settlement and       colony (Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth) 15 points

Terms to know
Plymouth Settlement
Jamestown Colony
Roanoke Settlement
Mayflower Compact
Separatists and Pilgrims

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