
Monday, November 17, 2014

Puma Praise Print, Juno

Puma Praise Print by Juno R.
Bottom Right, Juno R.

November 17, 2014
I can write a personal narrative with the following:

  • One topic, one event
  • Engaging Lead
  • Formatted dialogue with correct punctuation
  • Beginning, middle and ending
  • Very little spelling errors
  • Adjectives and punctuates them correctly
  • Revised and edited 
Below is a copy of my personal narrative titled, "40 Missing Euros".

Juno R.
October  21, 2014
Writer’s Workshop
40 Missing Euros
This is a story about a time I lost my wallet. I had lots of Irish money (Euro) that my Irish relatives gave to me. We were going to visit them and my plans were to spend about 40 Euros.
My mom and I drove to the Detroit airport and the flight was delayed by five hours. Five hours! The stuff in my suitcase wasn’t very entertaining but I messed around with it anyway. I put a Euro in my doll’s purse and flew away.
We landed and it was cold! There was lots of fog and the world was gray. My family boarded the bus and drove to my great aunt’s house. My doll still had the Euro.
When we arrived there I decided to take a nap. Then I looked for my pajamas and decided to unpack. The wallet was gone! I looked again and again throwing things across the room in my panic. When I had calmed down I went to my mom.
“It’s gone!” I yelled.
“What’s gone?” she asked. 
“My wallet” I sobbed. 
“All I have is one Euro I found in my doll’s purse.” Then my aunt Norma came upstairs. 
“What’s wrong?” she cried! 
“She lost her wallet”my mom sighed. We looked and looked but couldn’t find it. Then aunt Norma gave me 20 Euros! 
Soon after that we went to my granddad’s house. Our family had dinner and fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up, got dressed, and found a hair tie in the other pocket of my suitcase along with my wallet! My happiness lifted me off my feet and I felt like I could fly! The case of the missing 40 Euros was solved.

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