
Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Creepy Class ...

The Creepy Class 


Scary Scribes 

Next Friday is Halloween, October 31, 2014. Our school does not celebrate Halloween: students are not allowed to were costumes or masks. In leu of a Halloween celebration, our class will be having treats while transforming into the creepy class with scary scribes. This activity will occur during our Social Studies and Science times. 

What: We will be creating tombstones for boring words. 

           We will be writing our best and worst Halloween personal narratives.


Where: The Creepy Classroom of A7

When: Friday, October 31, 2014 at  1:15 PM

Who: Puma Thinkers... Scary Scribes

How: Using creepy music to inspire us

Treats are provided by the following families voluntarily.
Doughnuts- Rezmierski family
Cider- Woods family
Milk- Ajlouny family
Water- Kirakosyan family
Carmel popcorn- Kerns family
Cups- Wilder family
Plates- Moore family

Thank you in advance. Have a safe and  fun weekend. Remember to be wise if you choose to Trick or Treat. 
  • Travel in a group with an adult.
  • Inspect all candy prior to consuming.
  • Wear reflectors or carry a flashlight.
  • Use your best judgement when selecting a house to Trick or Treat.